Tiny Tunemakers at SING WITH EMILY

Join Sing with Emily and Tiny Tunemakers for a 45 minute music and movement class! We'll sing, creatively move, play instruments, improvise, use props, dance, enjoy musical story time and most importantly...have fun!!

Music & Movement

Check out our class resources below so you can play along at home!


Download Music

Listen to the songs from music class at home with your child. Or download our music to a mobile device to listen in the car or on the go! Click the link below to get started.

Tiny Tunemakers at Sing with emily includes:

•Weekly music and movement lessons delivered by a Tiny Tunemakers/Sing with Emily specialist.

•Digital access to recordings of the songs learned in class so your child can share the music with other family members (also an amazing distraction in the car!)

•Instruction tailored to individual interests and age (toddlers and pre-K).